No doubt Linux users are saying, everything, but I digress. Microsoft is one of the biggest companies of all times and naturally they have laid some real stink bombs in their day. Windows 8 is coming rather soon and the jury is still out whether or not it will be a win or another horrific black mark on the Microsoft name, right up there with the utterly horrific Windows ME.
Nothing could be as bad as Windows ME, right? Could it? Check out the horror story that was Windows ME and four other Microsoft blunders right after the jump.
The biggest corporations in the world tend to make the biggest blunders. Microsoft is one and it's had successes and horrific failures.
5) Any Windows After Windows XP.
Many Windows users feel that XP
was the highest height of all of the use of their preferred operating
systems. Therefore Windows Vista, Windows 7, or any other operating
system that followed it, is a wretched thing and people will cling onto
Windows XP until the bitter,
bitter end. To be fair, while Windows Vista did leave much to be
desired, Windows 7 was a step in the right direction. Still XP
continues to be the most used operating system out there by the average
Internet user. And many people will be dragged kicking and screaming
from it.
4) Security Flaws in Windows Media Player.
This one was quite an ugly one and one
that plagued Windows users for years, until the problem was fixed in
2009. There was a security hole in the Windows Media Player, that
allowed remote code to be executed, potentially compromising the system
and most certainly messing up someone's
media selections. Many people have also been disenchanted with some of
the changes in Windows Media Player to begin with, without the security
flaw and they have moved onto other audio/video programs.
3) Windows Me...What Windows Me?
Yes the red headed step child of the
Windows Series. Windows Me, the operating system that was released after
Windows 98 special edition but before Windows XP.
The one that was out for less than a year. Everyone wants to forget
that one. It worked about half of the time and was plagued with constant
freezes, compromising systems, and ugly problems. The fact that it was
rushed to production, without proper beta testing likely had something
to do with it. Windows XP
came out and all was right in the world. Those who did not upgrade from
Windows 98 Second Edition to Windows Me breathed a sigh of relief. This
remains the second most triumphant example of why you need to beta test
everything and make sure all of the bugs are worked out. The first is
yet to come.
2) Internet Explorer...just Internet Explorer.
There is a bit of a running joke in some
circles that Microsoft Internet Explorer is that Internet Browser that
people use just long enough to discover and download an alternate
Internet browsers. They are pretty right, as Internet Explorer has
degraded with each passing edition. It has been extremely resource
demanding and slightly crash prone as well. People run to Firefox or Google Chrome or back in the day, Netscape Navigator, and get far away from Internet Explorer as possible.
And the number one biggest Microsoft blunder is.
1) Microsoft Windows 98...Take One.
Released in the summer of 1998, Windows 98 was going to change the
face of how computers worked. Rather it changed the face of how
computers did not work, due to there were many issues with stability and
it was a miracle sometimes when it started. Not to mention constant
blue screens of death. Now it did work moderately well when it did, but
all of the stars had to align just right. Windows 98 Second Edition is
what Windows Users tend to mean when they talk about how great Windows
98 was. Windows 98, the original, an absolute horrible blemish. Given
all of the hype, it was something that left a lot to be desired. This
was a true black eye.
No doubt Microsoft is going to make many more successes and many more
blunders.Windows 8 is coming out and obviously we will wait. Will it be a critical success or a critical flop? Stay tuned.
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