Sunday, March 4, 2012

How To Turn Off Visitors To Your Website

There are countless websites all over the Internet, in various niche markets. And there will be a great deal of competition available. So the worst thing that you can do is do something that will alienate a person from ever visiting your website again. There are many things that you can do with your website, which you think is unique, but rather it is annoying. There are many newbie mistakes that are made or at least we assume that newbies are making them. The truth of the matter is people who really should know better, really don't more often than not.

Here are some most certainly do nots with website designs. Keep in mind this is for the actual design part of the website. The content is an entirely new kettle of fish entirely.

Most Obnoxious Website Design Features

1) Bright Colors on a Bright Background On a Website

I'm sure you may have written something brilliant. But I will never know as I will back out of that website quickly for fear of your obnoxious color schemes flash frying my computer monitor. What possesses people to put hot pink on green or blue on red I'll never know. It is the sort of thing I did back when I was twelve years old and I thought I knew it all about website despite. Black on white, white on black, blue on white, it does seem mundane but there's a reason why most websites tend to favor a simple design that doesn't make their visitors feel like they are going blind.

2) The Loud and Unexpected Music On a Website

Like most people, when we browse websites, we listen to music, we listen to podcasts, or we just don't like having music blare right into our headsets unexpectedly. Click the back button and move on from that noise.

3) The Video That Doesn't Pause On a Website

If you want to have video on your website, fine. Actually not fine. Do not ever auto play videos, because that just annoys people. For any companies who think that gets them sales by auto playing videos, just think about it for one minute.  And if something whether it be music or video starts playing, if I can't find a pause button in about fifteen seconds, I'll just find the back button. And I know I'm not alone.

4) Annoyingly Clashing Sounds On a Website.

People put sound on their website. Some people put many sounds on their website. Some people put sounds on their website that clash in a horrifically nightmarish manner.  Some visitors go right to the back button to find another website.

5) Links That Do Not Work On a Website(aka Broken Links)

And by links, I mean about half. I'm not perfect. God made me imperfect to keep me my ego from getting too far out of control, so there will be times where the links will be broken. One would think that the website administrator and designer would go through their website at least once and month and start making sure everything works, fixing what can be done, deleting what cannot be done. Broken links frustrate people.

6) Constant downtime for a website.

I tend to be a bit more forgiving about this if it is someone who is under a free domain but if it is someone with their own set of servers, than it might be time for an upgrade to handle your growing. I understand that there are going to be times where hardware fails or whatnot. But if it happens weekly, or every other day, then I question your competence and that is surely not going to entice me to do further business with you.

7)No Quick Way to Return to the Home Page
Or no menus to access other parts of the website beyond the home page. This is getting rather sloppy and not to mention extremely frustrating. Most people tend to have that right towards the top or top left where most people see it. 

So there are some things that will turn users. Some people might be patient, but most users you will find that if you do not offer what they need in a way that is efficient, then they will be going to another.

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