Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Has Google Rendered SEO Obsolete


Search Engine Optimization or SEO, a concept that many feel is important when building your website. Many people have heard of it, many just look at you with a confused look when you bring it up, and many people who have heard of it do not understand SEO.

That would include those individuals who are passing themselves off as "experts" in the field of SEO. With the right research, anyone can naturally become an expert, by passing off the same general principles that have been used for years. Given that there are new people trying their hands(and subsequently failing) at the website game, any new information to get hits to their website will be useful.

Information that is old hat to some is rather new to many.

The validity of SEO has been rather called into question, due to the fact that it's not technically search engine optimization that is being done, but rather a search engine optimization, that meaning Google. Chances are if you get any kind of traffic, most of it comes directly from Google. You might get some from Bing, some from Yahoo, other search engines, people sharing your website links on social network.

Regardless the lion's share of the traffic comes from the search engine giant.

Technically speaking, you can live without Google. But you cannot live well without Google.

Until Google is knocked from its golden pedestal it will be the supreme ruler of what is king content. Recent algorithm changes over the past couple of years(the Panda Algorithm, and the recent Penguin Algorithm being the two most known examples from even the newest of internet marketers), have caused people to reassess their game.

In the end, it's based on what Google wants. That is the end game. Millions of users will continue to use Google daily, blissfully ignorant, of any changes that go on behind the scene. Ninety five percent or more of the users on the Internet will never have heard of pandas, penguins, changes in Google Policy.

In the end, it changes the game of what used to be considered SEO. Past things that were once accepted for search engine optimization have been rendered obsolete. And more tactics that will be used today, will be obsolete before too long.

Many have theorized that Search Engine Optimization as it is, is going the way of the dinosaur, given that everyone has their eyes set on how to make sure their website doesn't fly on the Google Outlaw list, just brushing off other methods of generating website traffic.

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