Thursday, August 9, 2012

Keeping a Clean Environment for Your Computer

Technology is rather imperfect in many ways. Many customers have expressed their sorrow that items do not last as long as they used to. Plus the need and pressure of society to get the newest and latest products have added to their household. Some customers have bought products they really do not need. A good product should be something built to last.

One of the most expensive electronic is a computer. In 2012, there are more people who own computers then there are who do not have a computers. If an individual is not on the Internet, they are behind the times and out of the loop. One could guess the problems when a computer failed. There are many reasons why. Hardware went back, software went back, the virus scan software did not catch everything or there was no virus scanning software downloaded at all.

How to Expand Your Computer's Life Span

The most important step anyone can do to maintain the life of their computer unit is to keep the environment rather clean. The following tasks should not be done anywhere near the computer. These ideas come to mind to keep your computer clean.

Computer users should avoid eating near the computer. The break neck pace of society mandates multi tasking and everyone wants everything done yesterday. So many people just eat at the computer. Meal times should only be about ten to fifteen minutes. If one does not have the time, they should cut out some tasks.

Smoking should be avoided near the computer unit. Regardless of the opinion one might have about cigarette smoke and how it affects the human body, first or second hand, it can really do damage to computer hardware. Smoke in another room or outside if you must do so.

If a person lived in a house with a lot of items or near an area like an airport, there may be dust in the air and kicked into the house. So computer users should keep that in mind. If you collect and potentially hoard, there will be more dust.

One should clean out their computer at least every few months. The process to do will vary from computer to computer. Check your manual, it should contain the best process to clean your machine. Compressed air is one way many people clean their computer. Others utilize a computer vacuum.

When cleaning, nothing in the computer should be touched. Computer components should not be messed with unless by someone who has knowledge. Do not get moisture inside the motherboard area of the computer. Also ensure dust is cleared from any vents and fans in the computer. There are other steps, and again, before cleaning, you should consult your manual.

If unsure, leave it to the professionals out there right on the market.

How often should you clean your computer and components? It does depend on your home environment. If you see dust collected, it might be something to consider. Normally about two to three months on average is when a computer should be cleaned.

In the end, money will be saved and in this economy, its the name of the game.

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