Sunday, March 4, 2012

Google's New Privacy Policy-Doing What We Already Show Have Suspected

Only a fool assumes that their every move is not being watched.

For those of you who were waking up from a coma from about six months ago or just returned from a trip, Google, the undisputed rulers of the World Wide Web, rolled out their new Privacy Policy on March 1st 2012. To say there were people freaking out about what Google was doing would be putting things extremely mildly. When security is threatened, many people tend to get up in arms.

But don't delude yourselves. Whether it be Google, the government or some hacker with a high end Internet connection in the mountains somewhere, someone is watching you. You have no privacy. You have no security. There will always be eyes watching you.

If Not Google Then Someone Else Will Be Watching

Once the Privacy Policy was announced, people got up in arms. Yet, there is a risk that goes with surfing online, when using any kind of communication. There is no such thing as foolproof security. There is no such thing as absolutely airtight privacy. Google's Privacy Policy pretty much brought to light what many I'm sure have suspected for years. Google is utilizing our data for purposes only known to them. And who knows who else might be utilizing said data as well.

Do you think that you will be safe if you never use Google again? Do you really think that you will have full security and privacy? The answer should be a resounding and completely no. I'm sure if you have used Google since the change or even before the change, you seem to notice that the search results seem to be tailored to things used with regarding their service.

But really is this new? I don't think it is. Google has a tight leash over the pulse of the Internet users, the average person on the street, unaware, will never read any terms of use. They will never ready any private policy. They are a security nightmare waiting to happen, waiting to unfold. Google doesn't care about the one percent of people who obsessively follow what is going on, watching every tech news, formulating their own beliefs on what might happen, some of them disturbingly true.

Google can be both both an ally and an enemy, with their support being needed to shove SOPA right off the table where it belonged. At best, Google would be considered to be a chaotic neutral. You do have a choice, do not use Google's services. Now I think that only about one percent of the people who are complaining about this new Google Privacy Policy, with their security threatened are actually going to do anything and cease using the services.

There are other search engines, if you care about your security. But who knows what they might be doing? The only words that are safe are within your own mind. That is your sole security, your sole source of privacy. It cannot be hacked into or breached.

Yet at least.

Do not be fooled. Someone is always watching you. The only security is a computer that you never logged into. That is the only way to maintain your privacy.

If not Google, then it will be someone else. Beware and mind what you type.

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